Immersive classroom

Jam Creative Main Portfolio

Partnering with Welsh Government and BT as part of the Innovation UK, DCMS funded 5G Wales unlocked project, we created a series of interactive experiences for the Immersive Space that BT  built to showcase the way immersive experiences can transform the education and training sector.


Building on the Raglan Castle Immersive AR experiences we had created as part of the project we added interactivity into 360 views of the castle’s Fountain Court to encourage exploration of the existing architectural features and discover what they tell us about how people lived hundreds of years ago.


We animated a time-travelling robot character ‘Lwna’ who guided exploration, encouraging the audience to search for evidence across the four walls and interact with the 360 space.  This approach encourages curiosity and helps to illustrate how historians piece together evidence to understand the past. It also serves as a discussion opener for extension work.


After searching for and interacting with the key features, the audience is rewarded with a fully scaled and accurate recreation of the Fountain Court, as it would have looked in Elizabethan times to explore and see how the remains they have explored virtually would have looked prior to its ruin.


Introducing interactivity into the Immersive Environment lifted the energy in the room changing it from a passive and reflective experience into one that is much more active and engaged.